Musik Von Harmonia
A classic of Krautrock's tightrope tension between looped rhythms and abstract freeform sounds.
One of Krautrock's great album sleeves has a towering bleach bottle emblazoned with Harmonia - a compound of harmony and ammonia, geddit? Take one part, NEU! guitarist Michael Rother's chugging motorik rhythms, a dash of Roedelius' melodies, and Moebius atonal weirdness, and Musik conjures a volatile mix of mood pieces - ranging from the gargantuan drone and heartbeast bass of "Sehr Kosmische" to the jangling pastoral melodies of "Watussi". As all students of Harmonia know, the trio was never more than a temporary alliance of three disparate personalities and talents, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Morever, Rother has a seminal impact on his Cluster cohorts seeding their love of ineffable looped rhythms and melodies - as showcased on the piano etude Ahoi! - that are so damn addictive you want them to go on forever.
Source: Stephen Iliffe