The new Cluster album? Surely some mistake? An error, or Errata, on the sleeve artwork?
As musical collaborators, producers or label managers, Dwight Ashley and Tim Story are intimately familiar with Cluster's Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Moebius. Ashley and Story are accomplished composers in their own right, but each has that same commitment to a blend of compositon and improvisation, darkness and light, structure and free-form, rhythm and melody. So much so, that when Ashley, Story and Roedelius combined with Roedelius in 2008 to form A.R.S it sounded like the latest Cluster album. (When friends also pointed out that the band's name was sounded like 'arse' they made a joke of it and the album title became A.R.S.e (where e = Errata. Geddit?) But I digress. This is a delightful album that all Cluster fans would enjoy for the very reasons that they enjoy Cluster - and I needn't spell out here for the umpteenth time was Cluster means. Joking aside, this is a classy album, and "Squiggle" is a classic track, as good as anything Krautrock was responsible for in the 1970s but with the production clarity of the 2000s.