A light in the dark, radiant and mysterious - just like the album cover artwork.
It's often goes that the more unassuming Roedelius albums turn out - after a little patience and repeat listens - to be the most rewarding ones. Over 2002-03, HJR sent archival tapes to ex-Mott the Hoople keyboardist and electronic soundtrack auteur Morgan Fisher to re-work in his Tokyo home studio into five extended tone poems. At this point, the two had never met, yet Fisher displays a natural empathy for Achim's minimal oceanic soundscapes by overlaying them with fragile melodies, tone colours and sonic interludes that rise and fall, come and go like waves. With just-so guitar cameos from Fabio Capanni and Felix Jay, the effect is calm, mediative while fascinating tiny details by way of Fisher's variophon, clavinet, percussion and voice reward the listener's patience and lend an edge. One can listen to this album several times back to back without tiring of it due as it's lack of pronounced rhythmic structure and shapeshifting moods mean it never sounds quite the same twice.